- The meeting started at 6:30, so we were all given free Chipotle and gourmet cupcakes for dinner.
- One of the teachers decorated the table as if we were going to a fancy dinner party: silver doily place mats, a shiny snowflake linen tablecloth, silver centerpieces, and blue starry decorative wire stuff wound through the middle of everything. We also had color-coordinated water bottles and iced tea. So posh.
- It had a theme. WINTER MAGIC. Because we teachers are the magic, and every child has magic in them (I suggested harvesting the children for their magic and selling it for a huge profit on the black market, but my idea was shot down).
- We spent a good half-hour just sitting and gossiping about the kids. Who's on medication, who needs medication, and all the times we wish we could just smack 'em.
- Other topics discussed included lingerie and fuzzy handcuffs, my boyfriend, breasts, and drugs. Not all in the same conversation. Perks of working with all women.
- We were given goody bags. GOODY BAGS FOR GOING TO A MANDATORY STAFF MEETING. Despite what I usually say, teaching rocks. I get fees waived and free checks at the bank because I teach. Of course, it helped that the man who opened my account is married to a kindergarten teacher, too.
- Did I mention we had free Chipotle? Looking forward to that carried me through the entire week.
The only thing missing was booze.
Get ready for the Christmas party. |
Image via Employment Edification.
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